The new year is a time to reflect on the past and set intentions for the future. It’s also a time when it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the changes happening in your life, both professionally and personally.
We’ve created this guide so you can use these prompts to clarify what you want from 2023 and brainstorm specific steps toward achieving those goals!
Sit down in a quiet space and let your mind wander
To start the process, you’ll want to sit quietly and let your mind wander. Think about what you’ve done this past year—what were your goals? What did you accomplish? What are some things that are important to you? It might be hard at first because it feels like such a long time ago, but with practice, it will get easier.
Next, take some time to think about what happened this year that surprised or excited you (or maybe even scared or disappointed you). Consider all of these things as well when considering what’s next: what do these experiences mean for the direction of your life going forward?
Identify your goals and what steps you need to take to achieve them. How will you get there? Identify some specific steps. For example, write something today if you want to be a writer! Book a flight today if your goal is to travel more next year! Make sure the task feels manageable and realistic for the plan’s time frame—maybe that means booking one trip per month instead of two or three in one month. It’s always better to do less than more when it comes to productivity because it’s easier to follow through on your plan.
Write your intentions in a journal and keep it somewhere where you can see them daily
Write your intentions in a journal and keep it somewhere where you can see them daily. This will help remind you of your goals and keep them on your mind as you move forward. Write down what you want to accomplish, how you’ll get there, why it’s important and who will help make this happen, and how you’ll reward yourself when your goal is accomplished (i.e., treat yourself to something special).
I’ve made scripting this part of your life easy! Sign up for a recap of my Script Your Life for 2023 Webinar and get access to my complimentary Life Blueprint Journal.
Identify who can help support your intentions and goals – who can be on your team as you work on these things?
When you get clear on the big picture, the next step is to identify who can help support your intentions and goals—who can be on your team as you work on these things? Here are some ideas:
- Talk to a friend or family member. Talking with someone who knows you well (and cares about you) can be a fantastic way to reflect on what’s essential in your life right now. They may have thoughts or suggestions that will help you craft a plan.
- Join a community group. Community groups like Meetup are great places to meet people with common interests who share similar goals and challenges as you do. You can find groups in most major cities around the world that focus on issues like wellness, mindfulness and meditation, goal setting for women over 40+, etc., which makes it easy for anyone looking for support from others going through similar experiences!
- Find a mentor/coach/therapist/life coach. If none of those options feel right for where you’re at, consider hiring someone who specializes in helping others achieve their dreams by working together one-on-one.
Setting personal goals is an important part of self-care and self-love, especially as we transition into a new calendar year
For many people, the new year is an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months and think about their future. But what exactly does this mean? Setting intentions for yourself is a way to set goals that will help you achieve your dreams and live more intentionally in the coming year.
Setting goals can be essential to self-care and self-love, especially as we transition into a new calendar year—and setting intentions for 2023 is no different!
Knowing what matters most to you can help guide your decisions when it comes time to prioritize which tasks get done first (or at all). There are many ways setting intentions can help us along in our journey toward joy, abundance, health, and happiness:
- Setting clear intentions helps us visualize what we want our lives to look like
- We can use them as touchstones when we need guidance or motivation
- They provide focus so that we don’t lose sight of our priorities during stressful times
When it comes time for actionable steps towards achieving these objectives—such as how much money do I need? Is there anything impeding my progress right now? How am I going build up my confidence/self-esteem, so I feel confident enough to start pursuing my dreams again–setting specific targets will also be helpful (i.e., “I want $X by December 31st”).
Setting intentions and goals for the year is a way of taking care of yourself and ensuring that you get what you want out of life rather than letting others dictate how things should be.
If you have trouble setting personal goals or finding time for them in your busy schedule, take a look at my recent webinar, where I walk you through using your Life Blueprint Journal!