The universe operates on a principle of duality, a concept beautifully encapsulated in the Law of Polarity. It suggests that everything has its opposite: light and darkness, hot and cold, love and hate, success and failure. These opposing forces are not separate entities but interconnected aspects of the same reality. Understanding the Law of Polarity […]

Mindset Coaching

July 22, 2024

The Law of Polarity: Navigating Life’s Dualities

law of polarity - image of woman on floor
law of increase


The universe operates on a fundamental principle: energy flows where attention goes. This principle, often called the Law of Increase, dictates that what we focus on expands in our lives. It’s not magic but a powerful interplay between our minds and the world. Imagine your brain as a giant filter. Constantly bombarded with information, it […]

Mindset Coaching

July 15, 2024

The Law of Increase: How Attention Grows Abundance


Have you ever noticed how two people can experience the same event in vastly different ways? Perhaps it’s a crowded bus ride – one person finds it a stressful ordeal, while another enjoys the opportunity for quiet observation. This isn’t magic; it’s the power of our inner world shaping our external experience. The Model of […]

Mindset Coaching

July 1, 2024

Cultivate Your Inner World to Craft Your Outer Reality

inner world
EFT Tapping


Life used to be a rollercoaster of negativity for me. Every missed booking, every late payment, every unachieved goal felt like a personal attack. I was stuck in a reaction cycle, constantly letting external circumstances dictate my mood. But then I discovered the power of mindset coaching and EFT tapping, and everything changed. In fact, […]

Mindset Coaching

June 24, 2024

From Stagnant to Abundant: My Journey with Mindset Coaching and EFT Tapping


Science is constantly revealing fascinating truths about ourselves. One such revelation is the potential inheritance of memories and emotional experiences across generations, known as epigenetics. Research suggests these echoes of the past are carried within our DNA, not through the traditional genetic code, but through something called the epigenome. This opens a whole new frontier […]

Mindset Coaching

June 3, 2024

How Genes and Epigenetics Shape You (and How to Break Free)

image of woman in suite as featured for blog on epigenetics
limiting beliefs


Do you ever find yourself holding back on celebrating your achievements? Maybe you hesitate to share a promotion, a big sale, or even a personal victory for fear of judgment. This feeling—the shame or guilt associated with sharing success—is surprisingly common. Limiting beliefs can be a heavy burden on your path to achieving even greater […]

Makin' Money Moves, Mindset Coaching

May 28, 2024

Crushing Limiting Beliefs


Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a box? The “portrait photographer” box, the “accountant” box, the “always-reliable friend” box? Life has a funny way of trying to define us by a single label, but guess what? We are not one-dimensional beings! We are a vibrant tapestry woven from countless threads – our passions, skills, experiences, and dreams. What it […]

Mindset Coaching

May 20, 2024

Boldly Coming into Your Multidimensional Truth

image of Felicia Reed: Multidimensional blog
identity transformation - image of woman's reflection in mirror


We live in a world obsessed with “doing.” Work harder, market more, chase the next shiny object – it’s a relentless cycle fueled by willpower. But what if the key to unlocking true success lies not in doing more, but in being more? The real game-changer lies in identity transformation. Relying solely on willpower is a recipe for burnout. The initial push […]

Mindset Coaching

May 13, 2024

Beyond the Hustle: Why Identity Transformation is the Key to Success


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it hits a little differently this year. As many of you know, I’m a breast cancer survivor, and chemo, while a major fighter on my team, has brought along some unwelcome companions – anxiety and emotional fluctuations. It turns out the medications that help manage some side effects can […]

Mindset Coaching

May 6, 2024

Finding Gratitude in the Storm: 100 Days of Gratitude



We all have goals. That promotion, the dream vacation, mastering a new skill – these aspirations propel us forward. But what if there was something more to achieving them? What if, woven into the fabric of our goals, was a deeper purpose, a way to contribute to something bigger than ourselves? Beyond the Finish Line: […]

Mindset Coaching

April 22, 2024

The Power of Purpose & Goal: Beyond the Finish Line


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Felicia Reed is a contemporary, fashion-inspired portrait photographer celebrating you. Based in Austin, Texas.

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