Remember when the “selfie” first became a thing? There were two opposing opinions — on one side, you had the folks who were extremely anti-selfie. To them, it resembled a sort of narcissism. “People these days are too obsessed with themselves,” they’d say.
And then on the other side, you had the folks who were pro-selfie. It was the first time ever that it was culturally acceptable to post casual photos of your own face. While vulnerable, it was extremely freeing.
I bet you can guess which side of the aisle I fell on. ?
I am so grateful that the days of selfie-judgement are over. Not only for my clients, but for myself, too: over the years, I’ve learned that the power of a portrait goes far past having great content for social media or wall art for your home.
Here are my top 3 personal reasons for regularly taking portraits.

1.) Portraits inspire me to take care of myself.
When I’m regularly taking portraits, I am more inspired to go to the gym, to drink water, to eat a balanced diet, and so much more. By truly seeing myself, I am able to make sure my body gets what it needs to thrive and feel sexy. (What I feel inside is what I want to see outside!)
2.) Portraits help me see myself as others see me.
As a creative, a business owner, and all the other roles I play in my life, I strive to show up with the best energy possible. Regularly taking portraits helps me understand what energy I am putting out into the world so that I can course-correct as needed.
3.) When I stay on top of those first two points, everything else thrives.
Taking self-portraits indirectly helps my creativity, my family life, my business, my happiness and so much more. When I’m on top of my nutrition, my fitness, and the energy I am putting out into the world, I make more money, I have more fulfilling photoshoots, I am able to enjoy my weekends, and everything falls into place.
If you’ve been on the fence about having a portrait, beauty, or boudoir session, this is your sign to jump in and do it! Apart from creating a time capsule to cherish forever, the intangible benefits of portraits are priceless. If you’re interested in booking your session, contact me.