Like whoah!
These are pretty wild times we are all enduring and now more than ever, we need peace. But how do we locate that in high times
of stress and strife?
It’s time for a little truth bomb dear friends. It’s time to hold ourselves accountable and finally, fully, step into our power we were
all gifted with.
We must transform our familiar ways of being and elevate how we now interact with the world and most importantly ourselves.
WE are the only ones that can change our own mindset. Our own thought process. Our own focus. Sure, we can seek support from
others, but ultimately, WE are the only ones that can provide for ourselves what we need in moments of high stress.
Newsflash! We’re magicians y’all! And way too often do we find ourselves disconnected with our own innate abilities to heal and
mend our spirits. From me to you, a friendly reminder….
The added saying “take a deep breath” when experiencing a stressful situation is no doubt frustrating in the moment and can feel
cliche. But here’s the truth, taking deep calculated breaths not only provides more Oxygen to your brain, but more importantly
activates our parasympathetic nervous system. This action sends messages to your brain to tell the anxious part that you’re safe
and don’t need to fight, run or freeze. The repeated practice of deep breathing releases extremely powerful endorphins that aid in
syncing the breath with your heart rate, resulting in an extremely potent state of peace. So close your eyes and take 5 long deeps
breaths when tensions rise.
Geez. We are so hard on ourselves! It’s no surprise though, with the amount of visual stimuli we receive from things like social
media, constantly comparing ourselves to others and now navigating through heavy handed opinions from our peers about how
to be, what we should do etc. None of us have ever experienced worldwide Pandemonia on the level that we do now. Our gentle
but mighty little human hearts and heads can only handle so much trauma. So much pain. So much conflict. So if you got out of
bed today, got dressed, brushed your teeth, and made yourself some food, high fives to you!! Seriously. These small actions that
once seemed so minuscule are huge wins in today’s society. STOP beating yourself up and putting yourself down for what you
aren’t doing and instead shift your focus on what you are.
Remember that word “gratitude”? Yeah that one. Probably the most important. Start small. Do you have eggs and milk in your
fridge. That’s a win. Do you have clothes on your body. Also a win. Do you have people that care about you and your wellbeing?
Even though it might not feel like it sometimes, we ALL do. Reframing your mindset to remember all of the small and big things
to be grateful for only raise your vibration. It puts things into perspective when you can step back and say, “okay wait, not all is
lost”. I’m still living, breathing and have the ability to love.
Prioritizing your mental health is important and the ways you cope will be unique to you. Just try and only put into practice the
healthy ones. The ones that will aid in ridding yourself of darkness, the ones that will help you purge and make space for anew.
My top 5:
Dance it out.
Cry it out.
Run it out.
Sweat it out.
Scream it out. (Not at someone. Use a pillow)
The point is, keep exploring ways to not only provide some relief for yourself, but unconditional love for numero one. That’s you.
Other things to try, take a long shower, or bath. Buy yourself some flowers. Create something with your hands. Arts and crafts
are huge!
Lastly, how can you expect others to change, to transform if you yourself aren’t willing to do that same?
Be the change.
Be the light.
Be the grace you wish you see in the world and you will only attract more of the same.
Be well my friends. We’ve got this.