This week, we took a moment to sit and chat with clinical psychologist Dr. Jasmonae (Elle); a truly authentic heart centered,
leader, counselor and teacher in all things moving forward through life with self grace. Hear about her experience with Felicia and
Why did you want to do a photoshoot?
The photoshoot started out of necessity of needing headshots for the practice I’m launching. I knew I wanted a photographer who
could really elevate my brand and produce more than a pretty picture. I also wanted to honor myself in all of the obstacles I’ve
had to overcome in the last few years.
What drew you to work with Felicia?
When I got her name and visited her site, I knew immediately there was no one else. It was powerful, inviting, and flawless to say
the least. But that was just the start. After speaking with her and getting her personalized questionnaire allowing her to get to
know me, I realized there REALLY were no other options. Felicia just has this infectious energy that makes you feel beautiful
months before the shoot. She is engaging, hilarious, and just this rare find all around. After our initial conversation, I felt inspired
and seen, which is saying something since this was just a phone call.
What was your experience like?
Transformative. Felicia has this ability to capture your essence. It’s not just a pretty picture. She finds that tiny window that’s raw
and vulnerable and full of life. She finds YOU. She’s flexible and creative and not once did I feel like this was a “service.” I felt like
I was with an old friend who I could let down my walls and trust enough to be pushed in ways that would otherwise be terrifying.
The “luxury” part is definitely worth noting, but it was the person being uncaged that made the experience worth every penny.
Something in me shifted after that shoot. I connected to this primal source of self-love and self-knowing that I’ve been searching
for for so long.
What was your favorite photo?
There’s a photo with my hand on my neck. I was previously in an abusive marriage that often involved strangulation. This allowed
me to rewrite my trauma story. I took back this scar that has left me feeling broken in some ways and own this almost divine
power that is rightfully mine. A hand around my neck suddenly felt liberating, sensual, and puissant.
How has that experience with Felicia changed the way you now see yourself?
I think this was the missing piece to all the healing and growth I’ve committed to over the last few years. You can know you’re
growing and evolving and blossoming….however there is something precious/invaluable about having tangible evidence and
seeing how you’ve transformed.
What was your biggest take away from the shoot?
There are many ways to find healing waters. I am so much more than some of my experiences have led me to believe at times. I
hope to never have my fire extinguished or dampened again.
What advice would you give other women?
Find a way to connect with your essence, that primal source of self-love. Don’t settle for a pretty picture.