What the hell does that mean anyway? From breathwork, to clearing your headspace, getting “grounded” doesn’t have to look the same every day. Here are four ways I like to stay grounded when things seem overwhelming or uncertain.
Take a Break to Stay Grounded
It’s easier said than done. Put your phone down or on “do not disturb,” step away from the computer, and turn off the TV. Give yourself permission to focus on something other than the world going on around you. Put on your favorite album and just enjoy the time to yourself or with your family.
If you have a lot of anxiety or your mind seems to always be running with thoughts and ideas, sitting still to meditate can be hard. Meditation doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to let your mind wander. The trick is to acknowledge the thought, then let it go. If it keeps coming back to you during your session, journal about it and try to figure out why it’s so heavy on your mind or heart. It may be something that you never realized you needed to address! Here are some great tips on how to stop overthinking during meditation.
Thank Yourself.
When you practice gratitude and send thanks out to all the things that make you happy and grateful, don’t forget to thank yourself. There is no one who’s harder on yourself than you are. You deserve thanks. You deserve gratefulness and gratitude for making it through the day. Take a moment to place your hand on your heart and breathe gratitude into your mind, body, and spirit for taking care of YOU!
Have you ever noticed that taking just one deep breath can sometimes completely alter your state of mind when faced with a troubling or stressful situation? Breathing gives you the space to become aware of your thoughts, surroundings, attitude, and feelings. Practicing breathwork can also work wonders for those with OCD and anxiety. It’s all about disconnecting from the mind and reconnecting with the body to help you heal, grow, and expand. One of my favorite things about breathwork is that it’s not just for those who are suffering. It can also be nourishing and re-centering for anyone who is doing well and ready to enter another level of grace, love, gratitude, clarity, and peace.
What are some things you do to stay grounded? Let me know some of your favorite techniques in the comments!