Instagram is a double-edged sword. While, on one hand, it’s a blessing that technology has given us ways to connect with friends and family from all over the world, meet new people, and be creative, it’s also an easy place to get lost in a smokescreen of living the perfect life. This week, we talked to Nikesha Harrington, who reminded us that inner growth is more important than an inauthentic IG feed. Hear what she has to say:

Why did you want a photoshoot?
I rarely do things for myself–and certainly nothing that puts me in front of a camera, but I was curious. Lately, people have been giving me feedback, positive feedback, but I found myself questioning/doubting them because I didn’t see it. I wanted to see what they saw when they looked at me. I also wanted to be part of this mission to celebrate women over 40! How beautiful of a concept and I wanted to show up for myself.
What drew you to Felicia Reed Photography?
Her style spoke to me and the spirit behind her art. It’s truly a calling. It’s one thing to take a photo, it’s something else to draw people out of their shell and show them a version of themself that they probably forgot about or didn’t know existed. I love that she celebrates each person in their own skin. She doesn’t try to make them fit someone else’s mold. I also love the polish that she brings to the experience and ultimately the end product. You feel like a VIP–it totally went to my head. 🙂
What was the experience like?
It was sooooooooooooo much fun and a lot of work at the same time. I went into it being open and submitting to her instruction. I wanted to get the best out of this experience and I don’t regret it. I was nervous, don’t get me wrong, but after I changed into the first outfit, I stopped being nervous. It felt like permission to be my true self (not a wife or a mom) in that moment. Just Nikesha. It was a freeing experience! It gave me a moment to remember Nikesha and wake her up.
What was your favorite photo?
I don’t think I can pick a favorite. I like each one for different reasons–even the ones I didn’t “pick”. Each just showed a different layer to me. It’s hard to pick just a favorite part of yourself, you know? With Felicia’s talent, even parts of me I don’t normally like faded in the background. The flaws don’t matter when I look at these photos. I just see me–well, the cleaned up version of me!

How has the experience with her changed the way you see yourself?
I see what my loved ones see and I feel like I’m walking more in who I am and not blocking parts of myself off. Someone told me they were impressed with how confident I was and that surprised me, but as I look at the pictures and think about what I do everyday…yeah, I guess I can see why they see confidence. I’m confident because I’m capable–not perfect, but capable. I’m using the gifts God gave me and trusting Him to guide me on this journey. I am confident in Him and thus walk confidently. This experience also makes me want to model grace and self acceptance more–I want my girls to grow up accepting themselves (imperfections and all). We are fearfully and wonderfully made–my flaws and scars tell a story. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s not the end of the story. We have to grow and evolve. I just read a quote the other day that said, “Visualize your highest self and start showing up for her”. I feel like I received a physical representation of my ‘higher self” that helps me to visualize who my higher/better self is so I can continue this evolution. God isn’t done with me yet…I know there’s more to come and He’s growing me.
What advice would you give other women?
This life is a journey. You might be still fixing stuff from your past, that’s okay. Just don’t claim your past as your today and it certainly isn’t your tomorrow, so cut yourself some slack. You are human by the way. Dust yourself off and keep going. Invest in more than just your outside shell–the outside shell can be easily manipulated into a smokescreen allowing us and the world to pretend or assume that “all is well” or that you are “living your best life”, but it’s in reality you know it’s a lie, if you aren’t working on your inner self. If you aren’t growing. It’s wiser to take care of the inside because naturally the outside care will follow because you will just be taking care of your whole self, authentically. You’ll be showing the truth of who you are and your journey instead of showing what you think others want to see. You think they want to see a perfect and capable mom, who is super healthy and has a phenomenal career, with an amazing husband and kids but they don’t see your struggle, just your facade. So choose to be authentic, learn from your mistakes, and love yourself. If people have a problem with your authentic, loving, mature, powerful, wise, talented, and intelligent self, they aren’t for your tribe or heart anyway and so keep it moving along on YOUR journey. That’s okay! As Tabitha Brown would say, that’s your business. 🙂