This week, it felt like fate to sit down and chat with Jessica Cherry, founder and creator of Life of a Cherry Wife.
Allow me to give you some backstory.
I’ve been reading an excellent book called Future Proofing You by Jay Samit. In the book, Samit talks about how everyone has the ability to make money doing something we’re passionate about, we just have to find what our “special thing” is. Once you do, the chips will start to fall into place.
So when Jessica Cherry (writer, creator, and lifestyle influencer extraordinaire) landed in my studio and shared her story with me, I realized that I had a real-life example of the book sitting right in front of me. I just knew I had to have her on the blog!
Read on for insights about cultivating a community, growing an audience, and showing up authentically online.

Hey Jessica! Thanks for chatting. I’d love for you to start by telling us what you do / what kind of content you create.
Hi! My name is Jessica Cherry and I am the founder and creator of Life of a Cherry Wife. My writing centers around family, food, style and positivity. I write through the eyes of a Latina woman who believes life’s amazing possibilities are within reach if you believe in yourself. In addition, I also share personal experiences, articles and business that I believe my followers will benefit from.
Amazing. How did you start content creating? What inspired you to start sharing your story on the internet?
I started writing in 2015 immediately after I had my son. I quit my job at a local University and soon felt isolated and alone. Nothing I read at the time prepared me for the experience, everything was centered around the baby. Out of frustration, I wrote “10 Things I Wish I Knew While Pregnant”, put it on a website and it went viral. I was in over my head, but I felt like I found an online community of women that were all sharing the same experience I was. I have been writing ever since.
That is absolutely wild. What was the journey of building an audience like?
It can be a roller coaster of emotions if you let it! “Will they like me? Will they critique me? How will I sound?”
In the beginning, I was uncertain and had my doubts if I was doing anything right. Over time, you learn to let go of what others think and be your true self. Now, it is fun. I can team up with other women, brands, and have fun writing while letting my voice and experiences be heard. I have been writing for almost six years and people follow and unfollow. You just learn to be you and let the rest be. We are often more alike than we think.
What was the most surprising thing you learned along the way?
I learned that blogging can be serious business! I have grown more professionally as a creative writer than I have with any position that I have had in my professional career. I never thought that was possible and it certainly was the most surprising in this journey
What advice can you share with folks who want to build their own audience and get their ideas out into the world?
Go for it and do it, go after your dreams! If you doubt yourself, learn to doubt your doubt! Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right.
Exposure, too, is a big one. Growth happens outside the comfort zone, so be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Reach out, collaborate and get yourself out there! As the saying goes, “the squeaky wheel gets the oil.”
And there you have it! And as someone whose business was born out of following my creativity, collaborating with other women, and learning to lean into my own authenticity, this story has a stamp of approval from us here at FRP 😉
You can follow Jessica’s journey at @lifeofacherrywife on IG. (And I highly recommend you do!)