I run my own business, Purple Magnolia Design, providing graphic design and marketing consulting services. Most of my clients are within the commercial real estate sector, but I also work with non-profits, other marketing consultants, and small businesses
What are you passionate about?
First and foremost, I am passionate about my family. While I am with my family, I love to eat delicious food, read historical fiction and embroider.
When were you diagnosed, and what was your diagnosis?
In January 2021, I was diagnosed with Stage 2b Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Three days after I finished my treatment plan, I was re-diagnosed as Stage 2 with liver and lung metastasis.
What advice do you wish you had known and would give another woman that has this diagnosis?
Advocate for yourself! Ask questions, seek second opinions, talk to others in similar situations, and push for scans if you feel something isn’t right. Also, find another doctor if you don’t like how your team supports you.
Do you have a favorite quote or saying?
Since having cancer, I have repeated “I’m here” many, many times. I even got it tattoed on my middle finger to remind myself that we don’t know what the future hold, but for now, I’m here to live in the present moment.
What drew you to the Breast Cancer Patient Giveback photoshoot with Felicia Reed?
My BCRC Patient Navigator nominated me for the photoshoot. I was so excited about getting the opportunity to get glammed up, especially by someone who has been through this experience and understands how important it is to feel beautiful after all the major changes to our bodies.
What was your experience working with her?
It was truly uplifting. Felicia’s energy is infectious, and I think it’s safe to say everyone there enjoyed themselves and chatting. As far as during the actual shoot, I was impressed with all the adjustments, she made to the lighting, lenses, and even my poses to create a beautiful portrait.
What was your favorite photo?
My favorite photo was the portrait of me smiling and looking confident in my fancy, sequined dress. I don’t think anyone would know that I have Stage 4 cancer, and I love knowing that I am more than my diagnosis.
How has the experience with Felicia Reed changed your view of yourself?
I feel beautiful and strong. I continue to look at the photos taken and love myself – how I look, how I can still do fun things, and how I can still live life.