Have you ever felt true freedom? Well I am experiencing it right now in this moment. I am closing a chapter in my life finally. I had been holding onto my ultrasound license for 4 years since I quit the hospital. I refuse to go into 2021 with a back up plan! LOL! Am a scared? Not anymore. Faith over fear, baby! (*insert Let it Go song from Frozen*)
Let me take you back to 2016. I was working as an Ultrasound Tech at a local hospital 4 days a week, taking call for the emergency room on weekends, chasing after my teenagers in sports, on top of pouring into my blossoming business. I was doing all of that and photographing on my days off every week to build my craft. Life happens right? My sister was critically ill with breast cancer and my teen was driving me crazy with school on top of being fed up with a mean boss. I was overwhelmed and crying everyday. I decided to quit my job and take care of the family. I had my craft down of portraiture, I just didn’t have down the business aspect. Thankfully one of my strengths is being a learner. I was in constant prayer and asking God for guidance. I was scared to death, but too prideful to go back to that job. I had to succeed. I invested in mentoring and read everything on business I could get my hands on. We are talking 1 book minimum a week for the last 4 years. Insane right. I get asked so many times what are my top 3 tips that are my success. I’d say 1. Networking and serving others. 2. Allowing myself to be authentic. (It is so freeing!) 3. Having accountability partners that are just as driven as you, if not more!

Did you have times of discouragement and weakness to return to your original job?
Oh at times I was discouraged, but I had too much pride to go back there. I had to make it work, my mind was made up that is will work. I would deal with the feelings of discouragement with going into prayer and meditation and writing a gratitude list everyday. I also, wrote in a notebook all the things I wanted and desired.
What are you doing now to keep that boldness?
I am so confident at this point that I have no fear. I know that I have to try things in order to see if they work. I am ok if it fails because at least I tried.
Who did you look up to for inspiration?
I found Sue Bryce Photographer on Creative Live. After watching her 28 days I was hooked. My entire business model is based on her. She was my biggest inspiration.
How did you know it was time to open a studio?
What did your friends and family think about you leaving behind a great stable job?
Well first of all, my husband was the one to tell to quit and stay home. My friends and family know my personality and know that I will do whatever I put my mind to. They were very supportive.
How did you become so successful so quickly?
I attribute my success to networking like a fool!!! I would be at every networking women’s even whether it was BNI, chamber, lunches, gala, joining committees. It was exhausting. I was networking like a psycho. I wanted to network so much that everyone knew my name even if I didn’t know them. I also think I grew quickly because I was offering a service in my area that was like no other. I was serving and spoiling my clients that they would just brag about it. I’d serve one client then get several of her friends. I also started showing up on social media consistently being my most authentic self, which was attracting the perfect client for me.
How did you learn photography with your lighting and posing?
I am a quick learner and visual person. I used Pinterest for a lot of posing ideas. I would sit in the mirror for hours coaching myself to pose and look like the inspiration photos. In the earlier days I learned posing and lighting from Sue Bryce Education. Natural light is so yummy and delicious. Now I use more studio strobes and I learned that from Lola Melani and Felix Kunze for the most part.

How do you feel about being around other photographers that are a badass?
I pride myself on surrounding myself with other driven boss babes! I love it. That’s how I am growing so fast. There is just so much learning and growing. Collaboration over competition, baby!