Welcome to the official Felicia Reed blog! Over the years, I’ve connected with hundreds of women about body image, empowerment, self love, and so much more. Their collective wisdom has shaped the way I run my business (and walk through this world), so I thought… it’s time to share their stories.
This week, I am proud to share Regina Watson’s. Regina is a living example of the never-ending, hard-fought practice of self-love. Read on for some juicy realizations and generous vulnerabilities.

Q: Why did you want a photoshoot?
Regina: I wanted to see myself the way others see me. I needed it to be through a lens of non judgement, compassion and encouragement. I am 54 years old and have suffered with Bulimia since I was 15 years old. That is a lot of years of telling yourself that you are not enough of this, not enough of that, you are not worthy. That is a lot of years looking in the mirror and being repulsed by the reflection looking back at you, always wanting to change it or make it different, and somehow believing that by doing so, I would finally love myself. No matter what I did, that self love never came, until one year ago when I decided to let go, let God, and finally get the help I truly needed. After a year of recovery, I am finally realizing what it is like to love yourself and give yourself grace and compassion. Body acceptance is a daily struggle and something that I have worked very hard to obtain. Some days are better than others, but I wanted to celebrate my year of recovery by facing what I fear and being raw and vulnerable… having a photo shoot!
Q: What drew you to Felicia?
Regina: I was blown away by the gorgeous photos that I saw of a friend of mine (that Felicia had taken). I loved the idea that she was focusing on women over 40 and empowering them. I spoke with my friend about her Why and her experience and she connected me with Felicia. From the moment we spoke on the phone, I knew this was something I wanted and needed to do for myself.
Q: What was the experience like?
Regina: I knew that God placed Felicia in my life. Her passion and positive energy could be felt through the phone call and was an even more powerful experience in person. She listened to my story and knew I was afraid of doing this, but she made everything feel so possible. I felt welcomed , encouraged and empowered from the moment I walked in the door. She walked me through every step of the way constantly shouting positive affirmations as we went along. I never felt body conscious at all during the entire photo shoot which is HUGE for me. NO REGRETS, best experience ever.
Q: What was your favorite photo?
Regina: That is a tough question, I love them all and literally cried when I saw them. I knew Felicia knew how important it was for me to accept me for me and see myself as I truly am, not having my body photoshopped and just accepting wrinkles, flaws, and all! Knowing that, I could not believe that one of the photos was not photoshopped– I thought she somehow changed my body a little, so I had her send the unedited version! Ha! IT WAS ACTUALLY ME!!!! I cried for all the years I lost, not seeing the beauty inside and out of the person I was now looking at.

Q: How has the experience with her changed the way you see yourself?
Regina: I was able to finally let go of years of shame and self loathing and look at myself through that same lens of non-judgment, compassion and encouragement. I pray that through this legacy box, my kids will look at these photos and see not only beauty, but courage, strength, and determination to rise!
Q: What advice would you give other women?
Regina: Strength and beauty comes in so many different shapes and sizes. Do not strive for perfection because you will never obtain it. All we can do is strive to be better than the day before, be thankful for what we do have, and do the daily work to do the next right thing! We all have a voice and a story that needs to be heard. Share it, you never know who needs to hear it.