There are endless reasons to have a photoshoot; whether it’s for self-empowerment, keeping a time capsule of yourself at a certain age, or preserving memories for a future generation. But this week, we chatted with Laura Terry, whose photoshoot not only inspired confidence and energy in herself, but also in her business! Hear all about it below.

Why did you want a photoshoot?
I wanted a photoshoot because I wanted to celebrate myself at this age. When I turned 50, I remember not wanting to celebrate it. But there was just something about Felicia rallying behind women over 40 and celebrating women at any age that I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to embrace myself.
What drew you to Felicia Reed Photography?
Felicia! I’ve known her for years. She’s awesome, and she’s photographed me before. There’s just something magical about her and I wanted to be part of her 40 Over 40 campaign; not only to have myself photographed, but also to be part of the group of women that she was pulling together.
What was the experience like?
My experience was awesome. I got my hair and makeup done, I rented some gowns with Rent the Runway (where I am an ambassador) and Felicia coached me through colors and things like that. So when I got dressed (and after they did my hair and makeup), I saw myself in the mirror and I was like oh my gosh! And then when I saw myself in the lens of Felicia’s camera, I was just so excited– like a little schoolgirl!– that we could pull that much beauty out of me. It’s certainly not what I see when I look in the mirror every day, because that level of attention to appearance is not something that I do everyday. So it was just really exciting and wonderful to get dressed up and feel beautiful and pampered.
What was your favorite photo?
My favorite photo was the one of me in the blue dress. I didn’t like this photo at first, I thought I looked mean and kind of bitchy. I posted three of my favorite photos on Facebook and this was the one that people loved the most. A lot of people said “this is the one that looks like you!” I guess people see me as a powerful businesswoman and I think they saw that powerful and empowered person in that photo. So that’s the one I have framed and hanging in my office!
How has the experience with her changed the way you see yourself?
A lot actually. When I looked at the photos that came back, I still saw beauty, and energy, and power, and empowerment. I went from feeling like I was towards the end of my career, and tired, and run down, and not really inspired to take anything higher to the next level… to feeling like “Wait a minute, that woman right there… she has accomplished a lot and she has been through a lot, and she still has a lot left to give.” I think that was the biggest thing. And out of that, I felt the calling to put myself out there as an online educator! I’m working on a digital course now called Marketing Plans Made Smarter, where I help small business owners make better marketing decisions so that they can get more ROI from their marketing activities.
What advice would you give other women?
Indulge and let yourself have a day of pampering with Felicia because it’s really empowering. It changes the way you see yourself and it’s just so worth it.